Sunday 22 March 2009

My Faith!

Greetings people,
wonder how many people are still reading my blog...
Hehe, seems quiet around here...
I'm just blabbering ^^ but I have some things to share

I had Holy Communion today...
Remembering Jesus' death is...
both touching and unbelievable...

It's similar to the very weird faith Christians seem to posses
Logically, HOW is it possible that Mary is pregnant
WITHOUT a guy's help T.T
WHY is JESUS so stupid to choose DEATH when He can just
escape death all together... If He can really escape it!

We believe that everything in the Bible is true...
God guarantees it!
Faith is the only explanation that we believe in the holy birth of Jesus Christ...
There is no logical explanation at all for that...
And Jesus loves us enough to die for us...
To pay the penalty of sins... to spare us from the guilt that we deserve...
This is the grace given by God...
Such a precious and priceless gift...
All you have to do, is believe, and it's given to you!

This indescribable faith Christians posses...
Cannot be expressed or explained with words...
It is a FAITH and a BLESSING given by GOD
It is this heart-wrenching belief that there is a place called
HeaVen, where God has prepared as a HOME for us...
It is this undeniable feeling that A LOT share,
and it is irreplaceable, and renews every time!

It is amazing how God really change LIVES...
Gives peace, as long as you faith is strong ^^

Christianity is NOT about a perfect life~
It does not guarantee smooth sailing lifestyle...
Instead, you might find the opposite... BUT
that's when you feel that there is a GOD looking after you...

Christianity is not about 'holy' people
BUT rotten people admitting that they are sinners... and need help, 
and you spend the rest of your life trying to become better
for GOD...

This is my faith... you can read it and forget it...
You can refuse to read it...
It is best if you can think about it, even a LITTLE bit.
But I have to share it because it is important to me...
And you are ALL important to me!



cynthia said...

hey...know what? i heard this from stephen tong. it goes something like this...
out of man we get eve
out of man + woman we get a new generation= children
out of woman, we get nothing...but Jesus Christ. isnt i wonderful?


YinZ said...

^^ i like being female...hehe