Friday 27 February 2009

What a DAY!

I remembered something 
that I forgot to post yesterday...

Something that I learned about 
guys being guys and 
girls being girls... Haha...

It is true that guys should LEAD
and girls FOLLOW!!
It feels good to know that the guy -
has things under control...

Haha, I'm being really random again here ^^
It's about dancing, but I guess it applies
in REAL LIFE as well... hehe

TIPS to gUyS!!!
Girls like guys who are conFiDenT...
NOT aRRogaNt...
NOT sElf - condemning...
You'll be losing before you start the fight ^^

My randomness ~
Please forgive me...

Feeling tired now, but 
I need to let the food digest!

I just came back from my friend Doreen's
birthday dinner party ^^

I had a nice relaxing DAy at home, 
in the morning,
watching coffee prince (don't like it)
and reading up on Japanese~

Then, went to the City Centre 
to buy Doreen's present...

Let me just tell you...
What a DAY!

I saw some pens with the engraving of names..
Squatted to look...
Stood up...
I was listening to my ipod...
When I stood up - 
Flop!!! Went my ear pieces...
Fell on the ground!

I went to pay at the cashier...
Paid with coins...
The cashier gave back some change...
Thank you.
And then.......
Somehow - out came the coins...
onto the floor they shower

Gosh, it was embarrassing!!!!!!

After that I went to Ryman to buy some
transparent holders for my newly printed piano scores!

Then, I made sure nothing bad happened...
was slow to act and careful... good!
Went out, and spotted a Bruneian, and -
had a very awkward conversation...
Another weird event...

Haiz haiz haiz, can the day get any worse??????

Hehe, it wasn't that bad actually was it?? lolx

Doreen's party was really nice...
We had nice Chinese cuisines...
Nice, interesting games...
Nice people...

Upon walking home...
Saw two little guys...
One said 'Hi'
I said Hi back...
Then he asked "Want sex?"
I blame myself for not switching my
ipod loud enough T.T

Hope you guys had a great day!!!! 


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