Monday 26 January 2009


Soo sorry for the long silence =.=
I'm actually feeling fatigued right now...
But today is a special day...
Lots of nice, memorable things ^^

Well, first off...
It's Chinese New Year!
Second ~ Jae Joong's Birthday!!!!
Third - start of the second semester ^^
Fourth - start of my dancing classes >.<

So, for Chinese New Year, I celebrated yesterday...
Had a party at my house, invited people...
Cooked laksa and pizza...
Other food provided, experimented by others were:
Curry, Rendang, Nasi Lemak, tandoori chicken, sushi and salad.
That was one of the reasons I feel so tired.
I feel bloated after eating the meal! And...
I GAINED 6kg OVERNIGHT!!!!!!!! =.=

Had to prepare for it right after exams...
My precious holidays gone T.T
But I did useful things, and didn't waste time...
on TOO much series-ing... lol

Jae Joong's birthday?? I bought myself an ipod!
Well, I would love to send something for JJ...
BUT, what actual good would it do??????
He has so many other fans ^^
So, I used the money wisely... muahahahaha

I was supposed to buy a keyboard as well, 
but I looked and couldn't find the music store...
Will be continuing my search!

Start of semester, I was looking forward to it, 
but, apparently, I did not have enough sleep...
I was fishing through my lecture, sad to say... but.
I'm happy that second semester has started...

Dancing class ~ W.O.W
It was amazing, the start of my plan to lose weight!!
Hehe, it was a sure workout, feel refreshing ^^
Can't wait for the next class...hmm...

So, that's a summary of Jae Joong day1 2009...
I'm really tired now, going to sleep T.T
But first, I have to read the bible, and...
my textbook... haiz...

Four classes awaiting tomorrow!! 
And I need time to sort out some things with my ipod...
Can't seem to be able to read the video files...haiz...

Hope you guys had a nice New Year...
I'm really missing the 'bai nian' part, and the ang paos!!
Haha, miss all you guys! <3

Will try to upload some pictures soon! 
I didn't take a lot though... haha...
was distracted by the food,
miss Brunei food so much!!!!! xoxo

1 comment:

Hungryduo said...

Jo Jo!
Miss you so much~
Happy Chinese New Year!!!
keep in touch ;)

- Jestina <3